CIBMTR-1 CIBMTR Awards & Assembly Meeting

Track: BMT Tandem "Scientific" Meeting
Thursday, February 2, 2012: 6:30 PM-7:00 PM
Elizabeth ABCDE (Manchester Grand Hyatt)
Ardeshir Ghavamzadeh, M.D.

CIBMTR Distinguished Service Award recipient: Dr. Ardeshir Ghavamzadeh


The International Studies Working Committee of the CIBMTR is pleased to announce that Dr. Ardeshir Ghavamzadeh has been selected as the 2012 recipient of the CIBMTR Distinguished Service Award.Dr. Ghavamzadeh received his MD in Austria and trained in Switzerland. He was appointed Chief of Oncology-Hematology & BMT at Shariati Hospital in Tehran, where he began his work in stem cell transplantation in 1980 and remains its Director today. His center has contributed data to the IBMTR/CIBMTR for many years and he served on its Advisory Committee in the past. He now serves at an Executive level on the Boards of Asian Pacific and Eastern Mediterranean Registries and remains Chief of the Iranian Board of Hematology since 1991. He was PI/co-PI on numerous projects, co-authored 2 books, published 51 papers and authored nearly 300 abstracts. Dr. Ghavamzadeh oversees an active center that transplanted 377 patients in 2010. His team also educates transplantation teams at other centers in Tehran. In 2009, his Program began an unrelated stem cell banking project and is actively engaged in cord blood banking. We wish to honor him for the successful development of a stem cell transplantation program in a setting with multiple challenges and also for his dedication to advancing the field of transplantation. Please join us in extending this honor to Dr. Ghavamzadeh during the CIBMTR Awards & Assembly Meeting at Tandem in San Diego on Thursday, February 2, 2012, at 6:30 PM PST.