NSG-07 (Nursing) Hot Topics in HSCT Nursing

Track: Transplant Nursing Conference
Saturday, February 4, 2012: 3:00 PM-4:30 PM
Douglas C (Manchester Grand Hyatt)
Margaret Bellarjeau, RN, MSN, OCN

Margaret Bellajeau, RN, BSN, OCNŽ

Controversies in Allogenic Stem Cell Transplant Regimens
David Frame, PharmD
Outpatient Transplantation
Jennifer Firth, RN, BSN, OCNŽ
Challenges in Mobilization Strategies
Kim Schmit-Pokorny, RN, MSN, OCNŽ

A panel discussion on clinical hot topics in blood and marrow transplant will include mobilization strategy controversies, outpatient BMT issues, and controversies in allogeneic stem cell transplant regimens. All attendees can contribute to the direction of this session by participating in an online survey sent prior to the conference. This information will be shared during the session to identify differences and commonalities in practice across centers. Each panel expert will share updated information from the literature on the topic, and time will be allotted for questions and discussions from the audience participants.


1. Compare and Contrast outcomes of myeloablative vs non-myeloablative transplants.
2. Understand the transplant process in an outpatient setting and support needed to be successful.
3. Describe and compare several peripheral blood stem cell mobilization strategies.

  • Hot_Topics.pdf (1.0 MB)