PHARM-07 (PHARM) Best Practices: Outpatient Stem Cell Transplant Clinic

Track: BMT Pharmacists Conference
Friday, February 3, 2012: 3:45 PM-4:45 PM
Kamakshi V. Rao, PharmD
Outpatient Stem Cell Transplant Clinic (Rao)
Kamakshi V. Rao, PharmD, University of North Carolina Hospitals and Clinics

Outpatient Stem Cell Transplant Clinic (Bartoo)
Gabriel Bartoo, PharmD, Mayo Clinic

Outpatient Stem Cell Transplant Clinic (DuBois)
Laureen DuBois, PharmD, The University of Kansas Hospital

Outpatient Stem Cell Transplant Clinic (Wilhelm)
Kaci L. Wilhelm, PharmD, MD Anderson Cancer Center