NSG-01 (Nursing) Transplant Nursing Oral Abstracts - Session 1

Track: Transplant Nursing Conference
Friday, February 3, 2012: 2:00 PM-3:30 PM
Douglas C (Manchester Grand Hyatt)
S. Elizabeth Sharf, BSN, RN , Elise V Frans, BSN , Trisha Jenkins, BSN, MPA , Hanne Baekgaard Larsen, PhD and Melanie Calderwood, RN, MN

Improving the Quality of Care Delivered to Healthy Related Donors: Implementation of a Related Donor Team
S. Elizabeth Sharf RN, BSN, CHTC
Using Skin Assessment Rounds to Enhance the Care of the Integumentary System in a BMT Population within an Urban Adult Teaching Hospital
Elise V Frans BSN
Successful Reduction in BMT Patient Falls
Trisha L Jenkins, RN, BS, MPA
Supporting of Parents During Their Child's Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Depends on Their Parental Type
Hanne Baekgaard Larsen, RN, MscSoc, PhD
Transition Nursing: Bridge Between Inpatient and Outpatient in Bone Marrow Transplant Patients
Melanie Calderwood, RN, MN


1. Describe two approaches used to develop staff and/or clinical systems.
2. Identify two strategies the transplantation nurse can use to assist patients through their transplantation experience.

  • Oral_Session1.pdf (1.2 MB)